Spectacular 2-4 year old Music Maestros

Music Maestros

2s-4s are a lovely, joyful age! Full of curiosity, these music maestros are becoming more adventurous and learning to do things for themselves is the name of the game. Creating opportunities to learn and experiment  independently gives children an opportunity to explore interests that may well become lifelong passions.

This series works to balance gentle guidance with ownership of the activity, gently introducing ideas and patterns through musical games and activities. Developed within nursery settings, these are suitable for one-to-one sessions, small groups of 3-5 children, as well as larger groups of 15-20 children, with facilitators – allowing everyone to have a turn at everything!


Magical Musical Kingdom

Lesson planner of 10-12 music sessions for children 2-4 years old about an imaginary magical kingdom, featuring songs:

  • Love Somebody
  • Dragon and Unicorn
  • Princess Semiquaver
  • Grand Old Duke of York

Shark, Fish, Shells

Lesson planner of 10-12 music sessions for children 2-4 years old about creatures in the sea, featuring songs:

  • Squire Squid
  • Row Your Boat
  • Sad Crab Zig Zag
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Five 

Yum, Yum, Yum!

Lesson planner of 10-12 music sessions for children 2-4 years old of songs to do with food, featuring songs:

  • Apple Tree
  • Muffin Man
  • Hot Cross Buns
  • Oranges and Lemons

Run, Hop, Skip!

Lesson planner of 10-12 music sessions for children 2-4 years old of songs to do with food, featuring songs:

  • Row Your Boat
  • Ring A Ring A Rosies
  • Pop Goes The Weasel
  • Round and Round The Garden

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