Learning with Music: Games and Activities in the Early Years

Learning with Music - musical fun from the start for children

These songs are ideal for young children new to singing. Beginning with few notes, one high, one low, children can quickly learn to recognise and identify the two sounds, supporting them on a journey towards reading notation, or purely a lifelong love and appreciation of music.

Learning with Music Links

Quick links to songs for the other Learning with Music levels.

Cobbler Cobbler

Cobbler Cobbler mend my shoe

Get it done by half past two

Half past two is much too late

Get it done by half past eight

Rain Rain

Rain rain, go away

Come again another day

Rain rain, go away

All the children want to play

Star Light

Star light, star bright

First star I see tonight

Wish I may, wish I might

Have the wish I wish tonight

See Saw

See saw

Up and down

In the sky and

On the ground

Where Are You Going

Where are you going – to the woods

What for – to get some wood

What for – to build a fire

What for – to boil some water

What for – to eat all of your chickens

Round and Round

Round and round the

Wheel goes round

As it goes the 

Corn is ground

Lucy Locket

Lucy Locket lost her pocket

Kitty Fisher found it

Not a penny was there in it

Only ribbon round it

Doggie Doggie

Doggie Doggie where’s your bone

Someone took it from your home

Who has your bone

I have your bone

Snail Snail

Snail, snail

Snail, snail

Creep around and

Round and round

Bounce High

Bounce high

Bounce low

Bounce the ball to


We Are Dancing

We are dancing in the forest

While the wolf is far away

Who knows what may happen to us

If he finds us at our play

Wolf, are you there?

Red Rover

Rover, red rover

We call our friend over

Bobby Shafto

Bobby Shafto’s gone to sea

Silver buckles on his knee

He’ll come back and marry me

Bonny Bobby Shafto

I Had a Dog

I had a dog his

Name was Rover

Every time I called his name he

Rolled over and over

See Saw Margery Daw

See saw, margery daw

Johnny shall have a new master

He shall earn but a penny a day

Because he can’t work any faster

A-Tisket A-Tasket

A-tisket, a-tasket

A blue and yellow basket

I wrote a letter to my love and

On the way I lost it

I lost it, I lost it

Bell Horses

Bell horses, bell horses

What time of day

One o-clock, two o’clock

Time to run away

Lemonade (here we come)

Here we come – where from

Bolton – what’s your trade

Cotton mills and lemonade

Give us some if you’re not afraid

These songs are ideal for young children new to singing. We move to the next level with more notes and more rhythms! Children quickly gain confidence in recognising and singing sounds and rhythms, and even playing them on simple instruments.

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