We Have Books To Support Your Musical Journey
We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of resources to people supporting young children through music. Whether you are embarking on a new career path, adding another string to your bow, or simply looking for new musical ideas, our books provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed.
Our flag-ship book on early childhood music theory, Learning with Music resulted from practical experience in delivery of countless sessions. Covering the leading theories on child development and music education, we include over 80 songs that are perfect for these age groups, with activity suggestions for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
Our additional books include topical lesson delivery suggestions for 2-4s, and songbooks for 5-7s.
Babies 0 to 1 year
Dependent observers
Body language
Sensory dependence
Simple gross motor movement
Achievement through repetition
Individual attention
Experimentation through cause-effect
Simple physical motion
Capacity exploration
Inner rhythm
Babies 1-2 years
Dependent observers
Body language
Simple gross motor movement
Object permanence
Individual attention
Independent play
Simple physical motion
Familiar phrase repetition
Inner pulse
Toddlers 2-3 years
Body percussion
Sensory dependence
Familiar interval repetition
Rhythm repetition
External awareness of pulse
Tap instruments
Dependent observers
Role play
Noticing others
Toddlers 3-4 years
Body language communication
Fleeting attention
Rhythmic objective
Individual games
Learn in games
Sing and repeat canon
More rhythm than song
Accepts playing together
Primary 4-5 years
Social, accept new members
Few individual games
Sing to self
Sing in a group
Quick perception
Follow instructions
Suggest ideas
Explore rhythm of rhyme/song
Primary 5-6 years
Group games
Small circles of friends
Speech without gesture
Independent instructions
Vary forms of singing games
Test undestanding
Start songs
Pair soft-loud, fast-slow
Individual attention
Primary 6-7 years
Wide variety of abilities
Improving self-control
Improving fine motor skills
Developing locomotor skills
Follows rules to participate
Aware of hurting feelings
Independent choices
Show off talents