Which Everyday Toys Could Be Musical?

Our first thought is “pots and pans”, and the insane racket they can make. But what other everyday home items could be used in a music session?

Children can and do find ways to turn anything into a musical  event!

The list of items below are staples that every musical setting could and even should be using, depending on the age group. Children love finding new ways to use things, especially unconventional ways to use them!


Plastic cups

These are great for tapping together for all ages, and especially great for creating galloping sounds!

Hula Hoops

Hula hoops can be used in many ways, including creating equally spaced seating spots, playing follow-the-leader games, and group co-operation games, e.g. all moving together, while holding on.

Plastic Spoons

Plastic spoons are great as improvised drum sticks, as claves to tap together and against another’s spoons, or on any other percussion instrument that needs tapping or scraping!


Parachutes are so much fun! Use them in musical games lifting them up and down according to the pitch (low notes = low parachute, high notes = high parachute); carefully moving forward and back, under and over; bouncing balls or soft toys; working together to keep a ball or toy from falling off!

Play Scarves

Play scarves should be a staple in every music kit! Useful for dancing to music, dressing up as song characters, becoming a pillow or blanket, a way to rock a toy between two children, rolling up into a “snowball”, opened up and gently floating down like an autumn leaf, holding on for follow-the-leader …

Sensory Ball

Sensory balls have the added dimension of texture (gentle spikes), but can be used much the same as jingle balls for rolling or bouncing games.

Jingle Ball

Soft balls that have a jingle inside are great for developing hand-eye co-ordination with the added interest of sound! Musical games include rolling the ball for the duration of the line (4 beat), half the line (2 beats) or each beat (every beat); rolling the ball to different people in a circle; bouncing on the first/last beat – the list goes on!


Socks are great for a variety of games. From hiding things in them, passing around as the “love letter” game, dropping for duck-duck-goose games, to puppet-play and even decorating to make personalised puppets!

Baby Mirrors

Mirrors are great ways to develop children’s awareness of themselves and where they are in time and space – proprioception – and can be used from birth!

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