Meeting Maths Early Learning Goals with Musical Songs and Games 

Maths can be tricky in the early years because working with numbers is such a conceptual topic – there is no object that is a “four”, for example. You cannot pick up a “four”. You cannot smell a “four”. And the younger the child, the more literal they are.

However, once children have been introduced to literal/physical objects and experiences, they are better equipped to recognise and respond to concepts and ideas. From Piaget to Bronfenbrenner, we know that children relate what they learn to what they already know. This is the reason that for years, experts have explained that children have better outcomes when they have a wide range of early experiences. For example, once a child has seen a sheep or travelled in a bus, they have developed a frame of reference for the next time they come across similar activities. If they hear a story or sing a song about sheep or travelling in a bus, they can relate to that experience through memory. And the brain continues to associate these feelings and actions with that experience automatically, long after the memory has faded.

Using music to relate to learning experiences can be a powerful tool. In order to sing together successfully, the words and music must be learnt and sung. In order to play the game, the rules must be followed at the right time. When we use music to relate to numbers, we need to consider the two main goals within early childhood maths: relating numbers to quantity, and spatial relationships (Williams, 2020). Music provides a non-confrontational way into developing both these mathematical skills, using familiar formats that most children enjoy: songs and games.

Relating Numbers to Quantity

We introduce number awareness by using learning to count. As counting becomes more automatic, children are able to do other things at the same time, like counting steps. Doing two things at the same time develops the brain, helping children to substitute concrete actions (like watching a real cat) for abstract ideas (like the picture of a cat).

Here are some useful songs that support number-work in the early years – all available on Musicaliti’s You Tube and Sound Cloud channels, and soon to be available on streaming sources like Spotify, Deezer and Amazon.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five

One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite
This little finger on my right

This is one of the most familiar songs used when teaching counting because the 5-5 split matches our fingers on each hand. Research in 2008 shows that counting physical objects (even fingers!) is more effective than using pictures or computer-generated objects.

Five Currant Buns

Five currant buns in a baker’s shop
Round and fat with a cherry on top
Along came a girl with a penny one day
Bought a currant bun and took it away

Four currant buns in a baker’s shop …

This popular song literally begins to introduce children to the mathematical language of subtraction by relating a smaller quantity to “taking away”.

Alice The Camel

Alice the camel had ten humps
Alice the camel had ten humps
Alice the camel had ten humps
So go, Alice, go, boom-boom-boom!

Alice the camel had nine humps …

This repetitive song is great for developing working memory and counting backwards, and can also be started at five if time is running short! And don’t forget the final verse with the punchline:

Alice the camel had no humps
Alice the camel had no humps
Alice the camel had no humps
‘Cos Alice was a horse!

Spatial Awareness

Understanding the way things fit together is another essential skill in maths. There is plenty of research to show that seeing patterns when working with numbers is a necessity. From junk models and puzzles, to following patterns and treasure maps, spatial awareness improves our ability to work with people, understand language and locate ourselves in new environments. Songs and games about movement, using appropriate language, helps to create the literal and physical experience of these theoretical concepts.

Round and Round

Round and round the wheel goes round
As it goes the corn is ground

This is a lovely song that can tie into learning about where food comes from, specifically how corn can be ground to make bread. Holding hands and walking in a circle allows children to act out the language of the wheel movement. (During covid times, it is essential to minimise contact with too many, and wash hands afterwards.)

Snail Snail

Snail, snail, snail, snail
Creep around and round and round

This is a lovely leading song, where holding hands in a line leads the group to coil up in a spiral like a snail shell. The adult/leader takes smaller steps and models walking to the beat. (During covid times, masks may be helpful, while handwashing is essential.)

Old Brass Wagon

Circle to the left, old brass wagon
Circle to the left, old brass wagon
Circle to the left, old brass wagon
You’re the one, my darling

Circle to the right, old brass wagon
Circle to the right, old brass wagon
Circle to the right, old brass wagon
You’re the one, my darling

This lovely circle song again uses mathematical terminology (“circle”). It introduces direction (left and right), which develops vocabulary, while holding hands in a circle develops spatial awareness (and don’t forget the handwashing afterward).

The joy of teaching through songs and games is that they engage at all levels. Children with more musical/dancing experience may pick up concepts quicker, yet those who do not have the same experience are still able to join in with the game. Over time, the group as a whole will become more proficient and begin to see links between the games and written work.


Williams, H. J. (2020). Mathematics in the Early Years: What matters? Impact.Chartered.College.

Maths is Fun with Musicaliti!

At Musicaliti, we believe that maths can be taught in a fun and engaging way. Our collection of musical songs and games are designed specifically to help early learners meet maths learning goals. From counting to subtraction, spatial awareness to problem-solving, our range of interactive activities will keep your child learning and engaged.

By integrating music into the learning process, children can develop a more robust memory of math concepts and have fun while they learn. Try our innovative, song-filled approach to early maths learning today with Musicaliti.

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